Someone said, “I am getting old and falling apart--and it is SO INTERESTING.” I thought that was spot on, smiled at it being my experience and shared it with several friends. Weeks later I discovered what makes it so interesting. Aging opens up a new world of opportunities for exploring new spiritual dimensions. As body and memory weaken, the spirit gets stronger. “Charlie Wonders” if this is how God intended from the beginning. So many of my energies previously went into all the other kinds of growth activities--also as God intended. It is called being born and growing up, raising a family and “succeeding” (whatever that means). The person I have known is disappearing and it feels, at first, like that is all WRONG. The culture around me seems to agree that there is actually something degrading about getting old and dying. It tells me I should be anxious and depressed. On further examination, however, something feels very RIGHT. Like this is where I am supposed to be. There is a sea change going on, a shift from doing to being.
"Doing to being" that's it. I love the sound of that shift, I want that shift, I feel that shift coming. And I think its "right on" too.