Wednesday, November 3, 2010


On the morning after the mid-tem election and the third successive fruit-basket upset in federal govenment.  I woke up thinking about the old story about the man whose external life situation kept shifting. When his neighbors congratulated him on recent good news, his reply was, “We’ll see.”  When the same friends tried to console him on what they thought was a terrible tragedy in his life, he said, “We’ll see.”  As with real life, his fortunes shifted back and forth, but each time his response was the same: “We’ll see.”  So with the news of today.  Congratulations and condolences flood the airways, but no one knows what this really means. We have to see how it plays out. Just saying “no” is also about to play out.  As John Boehner and President Obama have both indicated: now have to get to work and come up with workable solutions to our nation’s many problems and, to use an overworked phrase, what the “American people” want.  What do we want? Recent elections suggest that we don’t know what we want or we know but not for long or we know but don’t want to pay the price. The election results give us a hint, but “We’ll see.” “We’ll see” does not mean a passive waiting.  When we do not know what is coming down the pike, Jesus instructed us to “wait (stay alert, conscious) and pray for outside side help.” Then we’ll see.

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